Basic information for exchange students

Student health insurance

In Germany all university students, including International Exchange Students, are subject to compulsory health insurance until completion of their 14th full semester and up to a maximum age of 30. This health insurance covers virtually all cases of illness. It also covers check-ups, surgery, emergencies, dental care, eye glasses and prescription drugs.

Cost per month approximately DM 75,-.

If you are married, and if your spouse resides with you in Germany during the time of your exchange studies, your spouse will normally be covered by your student policy and will not need extra insurance coverage.

The International Office Dezernat für Internationale Beziehungen can furnish you with a list of Krankenkassen (health insurance companies) where you must apply for your student health insurance policy. The Krankenkasse will issue you a Versicherungsdoppelkarte which you must present at the Studentensekretariat in order to enroll in the University. You cannot enroll in the University without this Versicherungsdoppelkarte . You'll also need it at the end of the semester for your Rückmeldung .

Your insurance coverage will not actually begin until you are officially enrolled in the University. We strongly urge you to buy an insurance for the time between your arrival in Germany and your official enrollment in the University. This may be done through a private foreign health plan or through a private German insurance policy.

If you are older than 30 years of age on arrival in Germany, you will not be eligible for student insurance. You are strongly advised to insure yourself with a private health insurance plan, since medical fees and hospital expenses are very high in Germany.

Please note: You can be exempt from buying a German health insurance if you can prove that you are insured abroad. EU citizens should provide the form E 111. You can apply for this exemption at the following address after your arrival in Tuebingen:
If you take a german private insurance (cost 120,- to 140,- DM per month) please note that you have to take the insurance immediately upon your arrival.

Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse (AOK)
Europastr. 4
D-72072 Tübingen

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